Originally Posted By spalding1968
its relatively too expensive compared to other TOTL arrangers that can do a very similar job for much less money. But its not too expensive or there would not be so many people on this board spending their money on it.

Its much more expensive then the Korg pa4x.
while missing quite a lot of the functionality the pa4x offers.

And yet, it sells much much better then Korg could ever dream.

Where it comes to pricing, and making both dealers as well as their instrument owners quite happy. Yamaha is the king. I guess its a community thing. However i have found that Yamaha owners frown upon criticism against Yamaha. Its not accepted to be overly critical in both their arranger as well as their pro synth community. Which is quite the opposite of the Korg community. In all aspects.

Personally i think Yamaha does not welcome my attitude of saying praise where praise is earned, but also being critical where Yamaha under-performs.

What hurts me, is the fact that Yamaha's most expensive mobile instrument does not offer all and everything Yamaha has to offer. And i think its strange the community accepts such.

Yamaha not even uses 50% of the hardware resources the Keyboard has to offer. If Apple would do such a thing, the whole world would speak shame of apple. Yet the Yamaha community is blindly accepting this. Cursing everyone that speaks out loud. thats something i can not understand. Because its this attitude of acceptance that withholds Yamaha from performing their best. Spreading their technology thin over several instruments..

In my vision, the top product of a company should offer all they have to offer... Thats what for example the Korg Kronos is all about (when it was released 7 years ago)

So while i dont think the Genos is to expensive..
I do think it should offer much more for that money..

I know it sounds strange, but thats the way i see things.
Currently my musical soul says Want want want.
But my mind says.. No..
Since i will not make the decision before spring..
I am still wondering who will win, my heart or my Brains.

Edited by Bachus (11/22/17 08:55 AM)
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
