Hello All,

I would very like to purchase Fred's new KN-SD Explorer tool but despite clear and precise details on how to purchase this using PayPal, I am experiencing problems opening an account with them.

I have tried several times. Once I actually got the message that I was registered and would be receiving confirmation by e-mail after which I could use the account and send on the payment to Fred, but I heard nothing from Paypal.

When I try to use this method of payment, I am told they do not recognise me and ask if I have forgotten the password. (I did write the details down as suggested and repeated these when requested).

In desperation, I ticked the box asking if I had forgotten the password and received some jumbled letters and a message asking me to type these in the box, which I did but it bounced back with a message to try again. Once again I ticked the box 'forgotten password' received yet another set of letters to type in the box, but no luck.

Both Fred and I are very frustrated at PayPal's lack of performance and I am wondering whether anyone else is having, or has had this trouble (which seems to be at the password stage every time).

I'd appreciate any help on this as the one and only time I got through to them I had given all relevant private details, including bank account over the net and as you can imagine it is causing some concern not knowing what has happened to this information.

Aud - UK