ALMOST happened once ... Another band leader called us late in the week and asked if we could cover a wedding for him on a Sunday - he had double-booked - ... so we played the wedding, telling the bride and groom that so and so was ill ... everyone had a great time, and we were hired for overtime ... and the end of the gig, the bride's father came to pay us, told us that we were great, but he was going to pay for the overtime because he hired us for that, but was not paying us for the first 4 hours because HE did not hire us for that, the other bandleader did ... next morning I called the other band leader and he said "of course" he would send us the money ... he was taking the bride's father to small claims court when they settled ...

DID happen once - when we were first starting out and 'hurting for gigs' ... a certain organization told us if we played this one dance for free, we could "name our price" the next time - of course there was NO next time !!! ...
t. cool