Back in the early 70's when I was in college I played in a jazz trio - We called ourselves "The Three Aces"....our business card had Aces playing cards on them along with the slogan "Call us for a Full House"....ha ha. But I digress....

We got a call to play at an old country music joint - similar to the one where the Blues Brothers played. No chicken wire though. We set up our Wurlitzer and drum kit, put on our gold jackets and started our first set playing the "Peter Gunn Theme". By the time we finished our second song ("Elusive Butterfly"), the manager of this country/biker bar came in and told us to pack it up and don't waste any time getting out. He told us none of his customers were going to pay to listen to wannabe jazz musicians. No pay of course.

We quickly loaded the stuff back into our VW bus and (unbeknownst to me!) the keyboard player tied a rope around the screen door on the back of this joint..... we dragged it for a mile before we cut it loose... just sayin'

PA4X, SX900 (Baby Genos), Roland U-20, L1 Compact, Way 2 Many Saxes

"My computer beats me routinely at chess - but it's NO MATCH for me at kick boxing!"