Hi Montunoman,
Happened to me, a bouncing cheque . I used to sell my second hand keyboards in the paper.s back in the 80’s / 90’s. A guy rang up wanting to buy my electric piano, told him cash only. He had a 2 hour drive to come pick it up so it was late evening. He and his girlfriend arrive, she was driving , he was drunk. Excuse for only half payment in cash was , the cash machines, would only hand out $1000, which was true. The other half he wrote a cheque. My husbands a paraplegic and I had 2 teenage boys in the house, didn’t want to get in an argument with a drunk.
2 days later, cheque bounced, which I half suspected it might. One day after that I got a phone call from the guy, apologising profusely for the bouncing cheque. Someone hadn’t paid him for a job, and he hadn’t realised the money hadn’t gone into his account. I gave him details of an account to put cash into, and I had my money by lunchtime. So, sometimes things do work out.
Either way, I stopped selling stuff in the paper, gave me a scare, not so much the bouncing cheque, but who could arrive at one’s home.
P.s my earlier post. That’s how my husband got away with sitting outside the guys house tooting his horn, to try and get payment. Who’s going to call the cops if you’ve dudded a guy in a wheelchair trying to earn a living?
Edited by rikkisbears (08/23/19 03:22 PM)
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022