Not music, but I once had a problem when I was doing retail commercials for a jewelry store. The owner was a friend, but a terrible manager. Past due balances quickly grew to the point where I new I had a problem. Media bills (what you owe TV and radio stations) are due on the 10th of the month whether you are paid or not. When the last straw point was reached, I took a brown paper bag, went to the store and in front of customers, employees and the owners, I took the $62,000.00 in jewelry. It was easy. That merchandise is "triple keystone", meaning marked up 300%. I just credited the store with 1/3 of the price on the tag and put $180,000.00 retail in the bag and walked out. Sold the stuff and actually made a few thousand.

To this day, I look down at the 2 carat ring I wear, knowing that I would NEVER be that extravagant, and break into a BIG SMILE.



Edited by captain Russ (08/26/19 01:17 PM)