Back when I was a freelance, outdoor writer, we were required to shoot our own photos. Consequently, during the mid 1970s, I installed a relatively large dark room in my basement, which later became my music storage room. After coming home from an assignment, I usually spent the next 3 to 5 hours developing film and printing photos, most black and white, because the majority of the columns were for newspapers and B&W print magazines. I also shot thousands of 35-mm slides, which had to be Kodachrome 64 ASA slides for the major publications. This was shipped out and took about a week to get the slides back, then sent them off to the publisher. I still have the slides and negatives, but some have faded out to the point where they are pretty much worthless.
When I switched to digital, the camera was about $200 and the resolution was 300 dpi. However, because the printed size of the photo in the magazines were usually pretty small, the resultant image was crisp enough to meet the standards required at the time. When I upgraded to a Sony Mavica CDR with a 20/1 optical zoom lens, I thought I died and went to heaven with a massive 2.1 mpi image. I shot a photo of our cat and you could count the hairs on the cat's whiskers. Everything was crisp and clear. I still use this camera for wildlife photos taken around the house, and it does a fantastic job after all these years.