We are all renaissance men (and women) mastering all the arts.
I'm also a semi-pro photographer. I shoot events and special projects, I also shoot portraits and wildlife. It's incredible how camera equipment has evolved to this point with so many amazing cameras and lenses. It is NOT a cheap hobby, that's for sure.
And yet....it's a lot cheaper than it used to be for the same or better level of quality. Technological advances, especially in software, have made equipment smaller, lighter, and with features unheard of in their price range just a few years ago. Of course, to paraphrase Paul (Montunoman), it's not the camera, it's the photographer. My beef is, too many automated features that inhibit the average 'joe blow' from learning the 'basics' of photography. Makes too many amateurs think they're better than they really are (aka arranger syndrome). BUT hey, maybe that's not a bad thing. Different strokes......