All my pics since 2000 (the start of my digital life) are stored and cataloged by date in five different places and two cloud sites including Google cloud. This includes my videos and pre-2000 pics that I have digitized. About 65-70g of storage. I can bring any of them up on computer, tablet, phone, and most of my 'smart' tv's instantly. I value them, as they chronicle a large and significant part of my life and that of my family. As our memories start to fade, it's nice to have something to jog them a bit. So I guess I have a hard time understanding comments like "What do you all do with all these pictures....and who looks at them?". The answer is, I DO...and my friends do, especially old friends who visit from time to's one of our favorite means of reminiscing.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]