Steve, nice stuff (on your photo site). I've been sort of intrigued by mirrowless cameras for a while now but don't know if I want to shell out a grand (+) for a entry level body that won't even take any of my current lenses. What do you think? That much better than a DSLR? I'm not a serious photographer, more like a bored retiree with a modest interest in photography. At the moment I'm experimenting with 360 degree and in the past, 3D photography (no longer have a 3D TV, so gave that up but still have 2 expensive 3D cameras). But back to the mirrowless, what do you think?
Chas, thank you.
Ever since got the Fuji Xt1 I've used it more than my Canon 70d oor 5d Mark II that I got a steal of a deal on in an auction. With the Fuji XT1 I like it's lighter weight but more so than the lighter weight is the color right out of the camera. It needs very little post processing in Adobe Lightroom. I also like the physical controls to adjust Aperture, ISO and Speed. Fuji is now up to the XT3 is a huge improvement over the XT1. Yes if you're thinking it's like an arranger upgrade, when does it end? I'm staying with the XT1 it does what I need it to do. It's great for those street photography shots because there's no shutter noise. The Fuji XT1 is a very capable camera and you can probably pick up a used one for about $500 minus the lenses. The latest the XT3 will set a buyer back about $1799 with an 18-55 lens. I've not been closely following other manufacturers and their releases but from what I've read Sony is really making some great mirror less cameras. Below is a review by Ken Rockwell on the XT1. Good luck