Originally Posted By DonM
That's what I've been trying to tell you! One song per bank.

I don't think anyone understands what I am trying to say above?
and that said I guess it cannot be done as I mentioned just like with the KORG songlist?

too bad the play list another feature I will never use..

That would mean I would have to take hundreds of songs that I already have setup 1 reg per song 4 ots......and start from scratch and use a bank for each song button 1 for the initial song and 3 or 4 more reg button setups just for sounds using the same Reg setup?????

this is nuts confused2
as I would have at the end over 500 reg banks
and have to Name EACH REG bank with the title of the song?
and instead of using OTS I have to now assign my sounds into other reg buttons too?...and then you have to remember what sounds are on which buttons? vs just 4 OTS sounds?... that it will work with the playlist?
vs the 150+ I have now........
all this just to use the playlist???

Edited by Dnj (12/31/19 05:56 AM)