Donny, actually I sympathize. When the 'technical stuff' starts becoming more important (and challenging) than the 'playing stuff', that's when I start losing interest. I've come to grips with the fact that I'm too dumb for modern arrangers and that is why I now spend 95% of my time with organ and 'Rhodes'. That way I spend 99% of my time PLAYING. It's also why, in the past, I never used an arranger for gigging. However, in all fairness, I also never (except rarely) played 'solo' gigs either.

Although I admit to being totally clueless about the intricacies of the Yamaha (or Korg, for that matter) operating system, it seems to me that setting up all the parameters for a song and then saving and/or recalling it with ONE button push should be as simple as JUST THAT. I really don't understand all the 'registrations' and 'banks' and whatever to save and recall a song, especially live on a gig. But then, there is probably something I'm not understanding (and that's not a suprise smile ). Ideally, I think there should be (as with a lot of sophisticated tech devices these days) an 'EASY' (mostly automated) method and a more in-depth 'manual' method available to the user (such as in photography). But then again, maybe I'm just too old, tired, and lazy, to be a 'tech freak' again. Oh well, back to my organ; 1. hit 'ON' switch, 2. start playing.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]