The downside is that Lowrey no longer exist, however where they completely blow away any arranger with the number of pre-sets they come with, (A lot of Lowrey owners have never used anything other than pre-sets) and continue to add, also while you can add pedals etc. to an arranger, (Many do just to get rid of the limited flexibility of an arranger) the OS was not designed for organ play and you have to apply work-arounds to get the best out of it. (If you look at kits designed to turn an arranger into an organ (Such as the TRX system etc.) they come with a USB stick with work-arounds done for you)
Where they overpriced? Absolutely, although hand building a luxury wood cabinet is horrendously more expensive then the pressings used to make an arranger, (Plastic or metal) plus the limited sales and size means they also cannot be built on an automated assembly line, thus pushing the prices up even further. (The big model in the video was around $50,000 when new)

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).