When I lived in Indiana, we had a Lowrey dealer a couple hours away. I bought my Yamaha HS8-t from them, as they were also Yamaha dealer. I went to a couple of their high end demos by hot shot players that worked for Lowrey...Sounded OK, not great in all cases...and the performers were REAL good....the idea was to convince a few VERY rich locals (it was a rich area) to buy those $30k + organs so they could sound like the demo guys...they did sell a few. I spend a few hours one day on one, kind of cool BUT Way, way overpriced. They sold quite a few because of the way the marketed and to whom....I went to a concert thing they had once where each of the people that bought one came and played a song....Pathetic, most didn't play at all well and most didn't even know much about all those features...But the good news is they seemed happy to have one! Should have spent the $$ on lessons. So to each his own if you got da money and want it, get it!
That was the market I have experience with, no wander they are gone now...
The sad deal is the Yamaha organs were really great and were affordable...I think marketing was not done too well in most areas of the country.
I wish they would bring back the Yamaha organs.
Lee S.