Originally Posted By dud
There is a difference in the sound quality between synth/workstation and organ, and I mean the ketron sounds remind me of an organ level, while the GENOS is more like a synth, although it is not yet at the level of for example MONTAGE.
The fact that sd7 sounds more live I like it ,because it reminds me of the era In which I played in bands.
all I'm talking about is the sound quality. I know that some of my friends don't matter that much and they keep on saying that the audience doesn't understand or notice anyway, and even if that is true,] to me it is important and also to some of the audience who feel the difference just can't explain it in professional terms.


Each to his own. I don't care what people say but I have never ever heard any Yamaha arranger keyboard that does not sound like a KEYBOARD. The Genos is a great ( and expensive) piece of equipment) and I would love to have some of its excellent sounds on my Ketron SD7. Other than that the SD7 is hard to distinguish for the average listener from a true band, and I guess that is a fact. In the end it all comes down to taste and purposes. If you like making CD like quality productions, let alone if you are not a singer, I would always go for Yamaha.
If you are an entertainer and a singer on top of it I would always go for Ketron. Korg sits in the middle of all this I guess....
