Originally Posted By tony mads usa
Originally Posted By john smies
Originally Posted By hammer
How about getting back to Ketron subjects?

My idea all along, don't know why Tony got so upset about stating the obvious.

John ... So Deanne says lets get back to Ketron subjects - well, Bachus starting talking about Ketron, and yes, went off the path talking about a possible arranger from Italy which prompted a question from zuki, which Bachus then answered ...
I just didn't think that either of them going off the path was worthy of Bachus being told to "Get a life" ... As I said - not the first time going off track has happened on this board, won't be the last ...
Am I being a little oversensitive right now about how people are responding to each other, perhaps I am ... but I don't consider that a bad thing JMHO

Now, how about that SD7 ?!? keys

Hi Tony,
let's just keep it to the fact that we kind of agree to disagree here, no hard feelings which should go without saying really.
It if kind of funny how due to Uncle Dave acquiring a secondhand Ketron SD7 as well as me doing so a couple of months ago , has removed this keyboard from the backburner so to speak and imho rightly so. Mind it is not the answer to everyone's musical prayer and I do not pretend it is. I do stick to my remarks about Yamaha as compared to Ketron no matter how David, Rikki and others may feel on this issue.
I would like to repeat though that I would gladly add a number of fantastic yamaha sounds to my ketron SD7. If the price were not so prohibitive I would definitely go for an SD60 ( = SD9 with speakers) but also taking into account that I do not play the arranger keyboard that often as I also use my old stage piano more and more (as you may have heard if you downloaded my recent home made CD)I feel that the SD7 gives me ample stuff for my needs.
I am very much looking forward to hearing more from Dave on the SD7 (hopefully he will be doing a streaming session soon) as of course he is an absolute professional and listening to his recent recording of She's no lady, is a complete treat to me !!
In case you missed it, but I don't think you did, the links to the two songs I had a go at yesterday on the SD7.
Stay safe,

Midnight Special EQ-ed