Hi GroovyBand.Live,


Thanks a million for such a thorough response and addressing every issue.

Your demos sounded so crisp and clean I was fooled into believing you recorded them using the GENOS.

Your programmers certainly know how to make these instruments come alive.

I understand your requirement for the instrument to be XG compliant. This is the common denominator that allows your software to work with the Tyros 3, 4, 5 and the GENOS

This explains all the extra work you had to do to make your product work with the Yamaha MONTAGE/MODX.

Your upcoming product will be a game changer if you can make a professional synth like the MONTAGE behave like an arranger.

I can only imagine how much better the accompaniment will sound with the MONTAGE as the source.

Best of all the price of the MONTAGE 76-key version is about half the price of a GENOS. This translates to huge savings for the end user.

Please keep us informed on your progress.

You have a winning concept that can change the Arranger landscape.