The IK Multimedia iLoud MTM Compact Studio Monitors got rave reviews on Amazon
Amazon Review I have not tried them personally.
The best way to evaluate them would be to purchase a pair and try them with your GENOS and see if you like them. Most online retailers like Sweetwater Sound offer a 30-day risk free trial.
IK Multimedia iLoud Studio Monitors - Sweetwater Sound The GENOS benefits from full range speakers that go down to 30Hz. Small desktop monitors just do not have that kind of bass output. For example, I tried my GENOS with a pair of M-Audio AV40 monitors which has 4” woofers. The results were unsatisfactory. I stepped up to a pair of M-Audio BX5a deluxe monitors with 5” Kevlar cone drivers. The results were subpar. I decided not to include them in my review.
The Behringer B3031A with 8” woofers were the least expensive studio monitors that produced acceptable performance with the GENOS.
The GENOS has a super clean full range output. Your playback system must not only have the capability to play flat down to 30Hz but also have the resolution and refinement to capture the subtle nuances of every voice on this fine instrument.