Found this but it’s in German. From what I can see, I only see the bottom note bending, I’m not sure there’s any other mode. Can anyone understand the video..?
I guess I could get used to it, but it’s a shame there don’t seem to be top note bend modes as well. But at least for live band use or with audio tracks, I guess it’s a good thing it doesn’t need to be driven by a LH chord.
Did you find an English demo of the feature, Eric?
That's the one I mentioned Diki.
Great find.
He mentions to hold the pitch bend down first, then hit the notes then release.
Interesting thing is that only the lower not is bend.
Apparently this is already build into the voice.
I tried it, it works.
He then explains how important it is to to play the correct notes (Chord) to make it sound authentic.
He uses the pentatonic scale.
He also explains that a pedal steel guitar has several pedals to bend different notes.
He compares different guitars to demonstrate the effect of the pedal steel bend. Doesn't sound the same with other guitars as well as bending up.
Only certain notes can be bend up or down.
You can easily follow that by looking at his finger position on the keys.
He plays correct bends and incorrect bends.
He also says to only bend 2 or 3 notes not 4.
His buddy says that not everybody can play in a pentatonic scale and that Harmony/echo can be used for that.
He turns on Country duet which works really nice.
The notes displayed in the display give an idea about the lead note as well as the note to be bend.
Same with country trio.
He first plays the harmony note, then all the notes himself to show what harmony does.
He then states that the resonator guitar does the same pitch bend.
That's about it.
These guys do a great job showing different features as well as playing techniques in their videos.