One thing that strikes me as a killer use for BIAB using the audio tracks if you have an Event is, this might be the way to add a massive library of well played, solid tempo real guitar loops with FULL choice of chords and voicing in a myriad of styles!

The Event is capable of streaming from a huge selection of chord types, but obviously, it’s damn expensive to create an entire style library with all chords, all keys, so only a subset of the styles allow more complex chords like sus4, aug6th, 11th, 13th etc. BIAB got all of them (mostly!).

So using BIAB to export the guitar loops (or bass, or drums, whatever) might allow for a good way to turn a BIAB ‘style’ (see?! I said it myself!😂) into an actual live style in the Event!

This might be the best thing that ever happened to Ketron, who have always been a bit light on content with full chord type availability. This makes it SO much easier to stitch a live audio style together than hiring guitarists!

I guess the only caveat might be, if you want to create AND SELL styles with BIAB’s Live Loops in them, you might have to be careful whether that is infringement or not… But for private use only (live gigs) I see no reason this is illegal. Just don’t try to sell them!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!