Thanks for the clarification, James. Cleared up a lot of confusion.

I applaud Korg's follow up on their promises. As you know, we Roland users have had similar good fortune.

How long has the PA1X been out now, though...? It must be enough to amortize their development costs. Didn't the PA80 come out AFTER it? And that has already been replaced.

It would not be in Korg's best interest to sit on this new technology for no reason other than a 'promise' to it's existing user base. They have fulfilled that promise. It's time to attract new customers to the line that may be a bit hesitant, given the poor comparison (at least in some specs) to other, more up to date arrangers.

You don't see the M3 not being released because they don't want to p*ss off the Triton Extreme buyers..... Mark my words, I think we'll be seeing a new TOTL Korg this year, and current PA1X buyers will be MUCH more likely to buy it, now Korg have shown how well they support legacy products.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!