But the PA1X is still based primarily on the Triton engine (and an older Triton at that, no tubes in a PA1X!), something that Korg already have shown the door, after long and faithful service. There always seems to be a couple of years or more between a new synth engine, and it's appearance as the motor for an arranger (Motif>Tyros, Fantom>G70, Triton>PA1X), so there's a technological gap that is even wider for arrangers than workstations.

Sorry for not researching my timeline better. Was the PA1X the first Triton based TOTL Korg, or was there a PA1 before it? You see where I'm going, here?

Now that Korg have opened the door with the PA800, and the engine and OS changes have been coded, Korg are only going to lose money if they don't bring the TOTL to market ASAP.

OTOH, if they were to work on a REAL super-duper, and combine the arranger OS with the M3's engine, and keep the Karma and audio features, too..... WOW!

THAT would be worth waiting a couple of years more for....
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!