Th PA1x is still the most complete arranger in the market and competes very strongly against even the latest yamaha and Roland arrangers out there. A quality instrument will always be a quality instrument.It doesnt matter what cute gadgets come along in the future.Thats why the PAX has held its value for so long . Ask a T1 Owner what their instrument is worth now compared to when they purchased it. For me at least, it is not the technology that drives my purchases.I dont buy a new keyboard every 2 or three years so yamaha would not like me as a customer ! Its the quality of sound, ease of use and how quickly the instrument can produce the music that is within me. The pax is still the only arranger workstation that is complete in its entirety without the use of external software or hardware. This is not a "my keyboard is better than yours " argument. I am saying that for me and i guess many other song writers/performers they want a quality instrument with a fully featured sequencer, a fully functional sampler,fully editable sounds great support in terms of future updates, styles or sounds from the manufacturer and an OS that integrates these functions easily so that i can use them in my creative process quickly and intuitively.

The Pax does that and does it very very well. Had i the option a new keyboard today i would still choose the PAX even before the OS 3.

[This message has been edited by spalding (edited 02-17-2007).]