Because this was brought up in a public forum, I felt it necessary to clear Generalmusic Italy's name on this. According to our records, Mr. Mirabella did try to contact Ziggy several times and got these back, several, several times (I edited out the email address and replaced with *):

The following addresses had permanent fatal errors

----- <*********>

----- Transcript of session follows -----

... While talking to

>>> MAIL From:<**********>

<<< 550 5.7.1 Mail from refused by blackhole site 554 ... Service unavailable
Quote from Mr. Mirabella
"I have exchanged with ZIGGY (Mr. T*** G****) a long series of email, giving to him a full technical support, suggestions, explanations and so forth. Obviously all this includes the for free operating system shipping, even the latest O.S. CD, send to him without any request, because its name is in our Genesys users database, then we send to them the O.S. CD via mail service or currier. As you can see, the result after its latest contact with us is an email fatal error."

As you can see, we take these claims VERY SERIOUSLY. We are sending Ziggy another copy of the OS. I understand that the VP of Generalmusic has either been in contact with, or is going to be contacting Ziggy shortly.
In case anyone else might have concerns or issues with Generalmusic's customer service; I would respectfully request that you send me an email, with your issues before bringing them to a public forum. I assure you, that you will get the same level of service and attention privately as publicly.

Paul Davis

[This message has been edited by PaulD (edited 12-23-2003).]
Paul Davis