Originally posted by msutliff:
Just a few thoughts....

Are you sure? Did you look at the physical drive itself, the label on the casing? Is there any chance that it IS a 2 gig drive that for some unknown reason has a 1.3 partition on it and consequently that's all you're going to see on the screen?

I don't know...I guess I'm one of those that doesn't exactly agree with the title of this thread. Ziggy had you said, "I am DISGUSTED with General Music Italy!!!", I would have totally accepted that. You are describing your feelings for your situation. But calling somebody(s) disgusting...Well...I guess I save that for the really bad. Maybe I'm losing something in the translation here????

Bottom line though, I DO hope you get this problem solved. Confirm the size of the physical drive and if it's wrong, let's get it swapped out!!!


Hi Mike, firstly to reply Terry as well, I have to say that Paul General Music Rep in the USA is very helpful, whish all where like him.

Terry I had to stay on General Music because I already owned All there Keyboards, so a lot of work is saved in General music format because it is SUPERIOR to MIDIFILES. But now after what's happend I am redoing all my work back again in midifile format so I can swing to another keyboard smothly.

Mike about your questions now , I am 100% sure that the Drive was 1.3GB I am saying was cause I changed it myself for and extra cost of $120 so no doubt about it here 1.3GB and not 2GB as it was speciefied .

Now I can't see why you think the title is sort of exagerated to put it in simple terms.

Tell me what will be left of you when you pass all the information to a Representative in the Mother Firm Milan and you get not even a single reply, and then they come out with a reply that they have been trying to contact me for over 2 months....come on mike I had been comunicating with the company for over a year and must say they have been helpful, but never had trouble with sending and recieving mail to and fro.

It all started when I brought to thier attention the fact that the hard disk wasn't as speciefied only after that they had trouble to contact me..I leave you think about it.

Now after I had Paul word they will send it to me STILL HAVEN'T GOT IT YET, I guess now they have trouble with post
