I'll tell you what's amazing. What's amazing is how much energy, thought, and time goes into figuring out new and cleverer ways to regurgitate the same tired arguments over and over again, ad naseum. I think that we know by now that:

1. my keyboard is better than yours (that's why I chose it, dummy).

2. 76 keys is better than 61, except for midgets or those with very short arms.

3. Heavy keyboards are better than plastic, toy, crappy, lighter ones (if you're a 21 yr. old weightlifter in training) but light ones are better if you're an out-of-shape old geezer who hasn't yet given up cigarettes.

4. A laptop on stage will solve all of your problems, including your musical shortcomings.

5. Playing an arranger, using SMF's or mp3's, is cheating, EXCEPT under the following 183 conditions...........

4. Whatever gets the job done, baby...

5. "That (tune you just posted) was very good, you've got a nice voice" .....code for "YOU SUCK".

6. If we complain enough on this board, the manufacturers will listen to us (or possibly even hire us as "consultants").

7. Home users are a bunch of low-life losers whose opinions are worthless. Only us working "pro's" have the "RIGHT" answer for everyone.

8. We need to practice more and post less (Physician, heal thyself).

9. Droping the chord sequencer (which the overwhelming majority of G1000 users never used anyway) was the single biggest mistake and worst corporate decision Roland has ever made.

10. The important thing is to keep your (drunken) audience entertained (except in the nursing home where everyone is deaf anyway).

11. Chicken Hats are a GOOD thing....

12. Civility is better than common sense.

12. Enjoy whatever you play (but mine is still better than yours).

Feel free to add to this list of things we probably don't need to do another 100 post thread on.

BTW, I wonder if the new T3 will have 76 keys. Probably. Nah. Maybe. We could sign a petition (from the PRO users of Synthzone) and send it to Yamaha. That should do it.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]