Me too...!
As I said, ensnareyou, I am perfectly happy to be proven wrong about these high priced beasts. I would LOVE to try them out. But, fact is, they are as hard to find and try out (I'm in the panhandle of Florida if anyone close by has one I could try.....) as a test drive in a Bugatti.......!
Videos, good quality MP3s, good hi-res panel shots and downloadable manuals (in English!) would go a long way to spreading the word. If Wersi want to make inroads in the US, all the above need to be addressed.
BTW, I downloaded and listened to the Wersi OAS Yamaha style translation mp3s..... it would be fascinating to hear a side-by-side comparison of the same style on a Tyros2 with no tweaks. Proof of the pudding, and all that......
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!