Today with a few hours in between gigs I finally got my hands on a Mediastaion X76 in Frans Studio......I'll tell I was very impressed for sure....This is a serious Workstation that can really do so much All In One...Great quality built, excellent key bed & feel & great rubberized buttons for All your features & needs, nice large Display screen & easy to use menu touch Display screen....The OS is solid and all modes integrate very well with no Lag in between changes......the combinations of use are endless with this unit for sure...for every need there is so much you can do only your imagination is your limit.
Remember this model still is in its older stage and in a few weeks will be fitted with even more incredible things as they become available as Described by Domenic.....
but what was available today was excellent & can only get better, the B4 organs, great pianos, Guitars all sounded very nice and among so many more Gm & Vst sounds....Styles so far have been on par with many units on the market and VERY usable in all varieties......jumping to MP3's or SMF's is a breeze with dedicated buttons on was any edits about 10 minutes I was comfortable getting around & I now cant wait to try it again very soon with the new installation programs which will take the X76 into another level....with the future improvements always just on the horizon which makes the open architecture systems so exciting all the time.....until next time my friends! Ciao