Hi Fran,
me personally, I'm not referring to sounds.

For instance, on my SD1, it removes controller 11 from the first beat in a bar
clock 1.0.000.
Normally not a big deal but I never know the default is, because it doesn't show up example: a string chord starts first beat of the bar & does a gradual fadeout, the first that controller 11 can show up is past clock 1.0.004. If the note starts on clock 1.0.000 I'm going to get a glitch.

Quite often when controller 11 is used in a style , strings start really loud for a fraction of a second, then you get this quick drop off in sound ( sounds like a glitch) then it does a smooth fadeout.

Another instance ( SD1 again) if I do happen to convert, my psr styles have to be converted to roland format first, then to sd1 format if I want to have any controllers left in the style at all.

If you have the "plus package" activated (which gives list edit of the style), try loading a psr style with controllers in it. Convert it to sd1 format. Save, load it back in & check the tracks in list edit, the controllers will have disappeared.

If there's one brand that could really benefit, it's the Ketron using EMC with Plus Package for list editing. A lot of the other brands in the top of the line include some sort list edit function for styles . Ketron doesn't.

Main reason why I mainly use EMC to turn a style into a midifile etc etc rather than do a conversion. I need the controllers left in tact.

EMC may well work better for some keyboard formats than others, & even with it's odd quirk here & there , I wouldn't want to be without it. I'd have a house full of old keyboards that I couldn't part with just in case I wanted a style from one of them. Instead I've got a load of old styles that I know I can use if needed because of EMC& the keyboards have gone to owners that wanted them.

best wishes

[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 11-21-2006).]
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022