I am no expert on cpu's and mainboards but I will answer what I can and maybe Dominek will give more info. First you mentioned the boot up time of the Mediastation. It takes mine about 1 min and 24 secs to completely boot up and begin playing. That doesn't seem that long to me as my windows xp notebook takes a little longer. What are the average boot times for other keyboards? Anyone care to time theirs and let us know?
I understand your question about the Mediastation's upgrade path, that is very important. In fact I would say its one of the Mediastation's strengths. Mine is the MS X-88 Pro it has an AMD Athalon 64 processor 3000+. That's a pretty powerful CPU to start out with. The Main board is a Epox EP-9HDAI Pro
http://www.epox-europe.com/products/view.php?product_id=317 It is a 939 socket. The description says that the CPU can be upgraded to an AMD Athalon 64, 4 fx, 64 x2 up to 4800+ with 2.0 GT hypertransport technology.
Also since the Mediastations parts are mostly standard computer parts, It would stand to reason that the mainboard could also be upgraded if the need arrived. However, since Domenik has designed 12 custom daugther boards to drive the Mediastaion, perhaps he will offer more insight into the upgradeability.