Hi Spalding,
don't get me wrong, I'd be lost without my EMC.
It's the only way I can convert styles from my prior keyboards to my current one. I normally don't use the conversion process though. I usually use export style to midifile, do any editing required in a sequencer, then use midifile to style function in my OMB software for creating a psr style, (or I could use midifile to style function in EMC itself).
For my SD1 I actually use a pc sequencer to record the midifiles across to the sd.
Discovered EMC deletes controllers on SD
As for straight conversions, a lot of them are pretty bad. It may depend on what keyboard your converting from & too.
In all fairness it must be pretty hard for emc to keep up with all the new keyboards.
best wishes
[QUOTE]Originally posted by spalding4:
Thanks for that honest comment Riskibears. I have heard some of these conversions and i honestly have to ask myself if others are hearing what i am hearing !!
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022