Well don't want to start a my toy's better than your toy thing here. I have to agree with Mike (except about the piano) I thought the 1X in this demo sounded very thin in all the sounds. The piano he starts with I thought esspecially light and tinklie sounding for what I am assuming is supposed to be their "mother of all pianos."

What I do like about seeing these "live" things I think is it's more real world of what one would hear sitting X rows back as opposed to an ultimate conditions demo of a sound.

I thought the TC harmonizer must be their bottom end, because IMO doesn't even come close to the Voiceworks I have.

Lastly I think this guy needs to see Michael from Germany demo the Tyros.....this guys presentation although a good player what a yawn....Michael makes the Tyros look exciting. Perhaps just a cultural difference though.

Overall....I have to say I was not much impressed at all. Just my opinion.

jam on,
Terry http://imjazzed.homestead.com/Index.html

[This message has been edited by trtjazz (edited 10-23-2003).]
jam on,