Steve explained my problem well. I have noticed that on some songs I only like 2 of the variations but want 4 variations of sounds, so linking them by pressing Single Touch until it flashes does not help me. In this case I would like the songbook setting to choose Single Touch On.
On Sunday I have a total of 12 songs, some with styles, some just sounds (you guessed it - organ) some where I would like to link the variations and STS settings, some not. So it would be great if Songbook remembered it all for me.
I know, I must be crazy using the Pa2X so soon after receiving it, but it has really pushed me to learn. I am trusting to God's help and experience to take me through the unexpected issues that occur during the service.
Graham, Korg Pa1000, Korg G1 Air, Countryman E6, Roland BA330, 2 x Roland CM-30, , Mackie SRM150