Because of our wealth,mobility, gas , used car prices - the best income/instrument price ratio compared to the rest of the world.(don't quote me on this by comparing north west euro countries with 5- 10 mil people for the whole country, they don't count).Compare US to UK, Ger, Mxco, China, India,Japan, France,Russia and all the countries with more than say 25 mil).

(US) promotes real band music ( because we can still afford it) than OMB music.
(not talikg about button pressing Rap).

Arranger - $ appeal for the player

Guitar/Drums (and to a lesser extent a nord like synth KB without speakers) - Sex appleal for the playa

and you kwow what a college kid would prefer.

21 yr old kid in US can get a 1500$ M3/ Motif Xs, load it in to his $2500 used Civic, drive 10 miles, play with his 4 piece band, record , do the gig in a local club.He tries to make it , if he can't he quits, nothing lost.

Do that in other parts of the world.

2000$ keyboard, 7000$ for a working used so so car,pay $ 9 for a gallon of gas, load your gear to your apartment where you live with your parents, find a club that accepts 4 or 5 piece live band music....,

But not all 21 yr old in other countries may not be able to spend, even if they can mobilty/transportation is not as easy as in US to promote Band music.Other parts ot the world( with some exception of UK and Germany).

This is a typical local musician example -
25 yr old musician with his singer GF buys PA2x pro/T3 goes to the local club to play live.

The best used (2nd hand pro gear ) market in the world is again , the US.

Try Craiglist even London (or local sites), search a pro instrument , do the same thing for NY, LA . You'll see the dif.

Here in US, mostly seniors (who used to be 21 yr olds in the bands) gig with MOTL and TOTL arrangers.

Young musicians in US are not into arrangers because they can still spend time, money and energy for band music.When they get older they'll play in a jazz trio or by a T3 and start OMBing.

1500 Les Paul or 1000$ US strat is no big deal here(a college will buy it if he wants) but outside the US,it is a big deal and they have to do with epiphone or a squier.

Once the economy goes down, there will be less bands and the young in the US will be into arrangers.

[This message has been edited by jamman (edited 01-26-2010).]