I can tell you about the arranger popularity in Mexico, in my hometown Queretaro, there are many street cafes like in Spain, France, Italy, etc...and I can say that the live entertainment is 55% arrangers/singers and the other 45% guitarist/singers.
When you go to some resorts like Cancun, Acapulco, Ixtapa, La Paz, etc... You will find in larger hotels bands that play all kinds of music, catering to the younger crowd, 20s to 40ish...in other smaller hotels may be some trios, Piano, Bass & Drums or sax/singer.
In the local restaurants is most likely you will find an arranger keyboardist performing there.
I live in Phoenix AZ, and I go every 2-3 months to Los Algodones B.C. Mexico for my prescriptions like many thousands of americans do, and in the main Restaurant "La casa Vieja", you have a young man playing his Korg PA50 and singing. I remind you that the town is tiny, only a few streets, most with Drug stores, Optical, hearing aids, dentist and some art craft stores.
I have many of my friends, Alejandro Vazquez, Rafael Garcia, Jorge Alarcon, Prudencio & Jesusa, Juanito Silva, Mtro. Benitez, etc play keyboard arrangers in my hometown, performing in different places, from Restaurants, Lounges, Hotels besides the wedding, convention events.
The predominant brand arrangers in Mexico, are Yamaha and Korg, strangely, Roland has a small presence in Mexico, I repeat, in the ARRANGER area, I can even say, that Ketron has a stronger third place, Ketron has been only a short time in Mexico(about 8 years), I was the first performer in 1998 to use it when I got my X1 HD, and later the SD1, when I moved back to USA, I sold my 2 Ketrons there, and some other 3 SD1s, and couple X1s where there playing.
The popularity of Ketron in Mexico is due to it's superior real "Latin" styles, the second place is for Korg, then Yamaha in last, I think Roland now has a posible 3th place, most still some errors in orchestration and some musical phrasing.
Some of my friends make their styles with what the Yamaha keyboard tools provide, very LIMITED, NONE of the style designers use the keyboard itself to make the styles.
SO, there you have a picture of the arrangers in Mexico, the Worksations like Motifs, Fantoms, M/Triton, are use mostly in larger bands and studios, and some, popular bands use an arranger and a worksation too.