Chas, most, if not all, of my clients are over thirty and a great many of them already play.
Yes, I've stated all along that arrangers are hobbyist instruments..."home keyboards", no matter what the manufacturer's write on the panel, or put in their ads.
But they are legitimate instruments...why wouldn't they be....they make music?
I've used an arranger in "professional" venues...what is a professional venue, but a place where the musician gets paid, is it not?
Some of us are resourceful/ inventive enough to use these "home keyboards" as gigging instruments, and we can make a good living at it...some pros use them for songwriting, like they do on Nashville Row.
Yes, I feel it is a legitimate musical instrument, but I feel you do not.
Is a singer any less of a singer if they sing over a prerecorded backing track, instead of a live orchestra?
I don't think so.
Am I any less of a keyboardist because I play over an accompaniment section that is controlled by my choice of chords, style and instruments.
I don't think so.
If I play piano over a SMF?
I don't think so.
The "facts" are only dependant on point of view, prejudices, and history for a starter, so they'll be different facts for different folk.
I sure don't have a problem with people who don't agree with my use of an arranger or don't think it's legit...I'm not that insecure, and I'm sure a jazz musician doesn't give a hoot who digs his playing either.
Can't please everybody.

[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 01-27-2010).]