Hello everybody,
I would tend to agree that arranger are a ripp off, had buy a 910 3 weeks ago and i was verry unhappy about the keybed, lack of functions and toys feeling...
yesterday i took it back and came home with a M3 and let me tell you that this is a real pro instrument for only a couples hundreds more buck that i paid for the 910..
just a couples of points:
1- Keybed and quality construction is 1000% better, THAT is a nice keybed
2- Possibility are way more interresting, lots and lots of possibility (and way more complicated)
3- Karma function are amazing, Karma is an algorythm that use what you play to create accompagnement and send it back to you, very very interesting in the kinds
4- Lots of addons like the touch screen that can be use as a playing area, joystick, ribbon controller...
So it true that it is more difficult to play than an arranger but the point is that i have soooo much more in workstation world than in arranger for the sames money (i know i paid more but still, remover 1/5 of the functions and it will stay a better deal) so I am telling that s910 cost a lot more than it should in comparaison..
Oh, All PSR was in the corner of the stores feeling like in shame, maybe they did something wrong as they where in punition

Take Care