There's absolutely nothing about an arranger that is intrinsically any more expensive that a WS. They all got keys, buttons, knobs, sliders, a nice big display, some outputs and some inputs. And don't tell me it's the content, there's just as much content in a MoXS or M3 as there is in a T3 or PA2.
But look what you get for the same price as an S910... NOBODY makes a WS with as cheesy a keybed at that price. The same money as an S910 (Yamaha's VERY MOTL arranger, especially construction-wise) buys you an 88 wooden key Korg M50

MUCH better keybed, knobs, switches, etc... MOTL of their line. Same for the Yamaha MO line, Roland Juno Stage, etc.
Now, us 50+ year old players aren't idiots (though you'd think so from how arranger makers treat us), most of us can see just how much MORE you get if you get a WS. Quality, features, capabilities, construction, you name it. Quite likely the 'home' buyer isn't looking at WS's, so they might be content to pay whatever they are asked to, but the pro has to walk past a wall of very competitive priced WS's to see the horribly overpriced toy construction arranger tucked away in the corner, as if it is ashamed...
Which it ought to be, given that price!
If they are going to ask that price, why can't they include the same quality of construction that the exact same company can put on its' WS line at the same price point..?
We are being raped, and SOME of us seem to be happy about it

Stockholm Syndrome, plain and simple...