Dennis, I am not sure I have to re-think this issue..

I said reading from a thumb drive ..the media files....not "songbook" where it has to be set up completely to use...I believe that SMF's are in separate folders as are the MP3's....Am I correct? Where the Prelude reads all the formats from the thumb drive...I have not had hands on with the Korg and the use of the MP3 player option card...but I recall reading about it somewhat...

BTW: I know you cannot edit SMF's and save them in Songbook...It will revert back to the original...The Prelude saves any and all changes to the playlist (name for folder) automatically ...

I know the Songbook is popular, but if I recall the E80 with the MP3 option could save all to a user it is on par with the Korg (with MP3 card)..

I don't know of any Yamaha or Korg (under $1,000) that will do what the Prelude does with media files...Does anyone else?

Comparing 3 or 4 times the cost to sorta match the media player of the Prelude...sure seems like an endorsement..