Trouble is, a newcomer can come in and DESTROY the competition, if he's willing to do it right. While established companies dole out the technology in reluctant dribs and drabs, eking us along like crack addicts, a new company can start up with everything in one go, and all the established manufacturers are scrambling to play catch-up.

That's what Lionstracs SHOULD have done... Bundle TOTL styles, based around a TOTL sound set, make operating the MS easy (hide all the tough stuff in sub-menus) and price it the same as a Tyros. But NOOOOooooo....! They got to come out with something that SUCKS until you fill it with premium content. But there IS no premium content. So it sucks!

So near, and yet so far. Dom has NO IDEA how close he came, and dropped the ball. Who in their right minds would buy a closed arranger, if an open one sounded JUST AS GOOD? The day that happens, sayonara, Yamaha! Hasta la vista, Ketron... So long, Korg!

We sure as hell won't miss your miserly feature improvements, every three or four years!

C'mon.... SOMEBODY get it right!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!