Originally posted by zuki:
I think Dennis mentioned this, but you can indeed edit SMF and save them to songbook. You have to edit through seq mode first and save. However, they can be put in a specific 'list' but have to be accessed via the song mode, vs the style mode. A little bit of an inconvenience, not much.
Man, how sweet it might be to have my 800 and a Prelude - best of 2 worlds, while keeping down costs. I want to get my hands on these Prelude styles while accessing my huge library of Roland styles. I might be contacting you Fran for some guidance....
Zuki heres a Tip go play the Prelude somewhere before you make a purchase....

....so now are you gonna carry two KBs to NH gigs?
[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 10-24-2010).]