Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Dennis, there is no 144 user program limit, using the external media and the user program finder..I have 1133 user programs on my G70 ..always available...You just need to use the finder feature..and it also scrolls quickly for the right user program..

Fran what I am talking about is selecting them via a MIDI CC (page 39 i think in the par manual)....You can only select a max of 144.

I know I can select any number from the finder

But with my Music Reader program I can embed MIDI files in the chart and it auto sends the CC command which loads the UPG. Unfortunately on the G70 this IS restricted to 144 per UPS. And the UPS cannot be selected via MIDI

On the Korg I had, at last count, 475 such songs setup. All I did was select a chart and the entire Korg keyboard was setup in a second
