Yeah, like Ian said a PA3x would be seem like a perfect fit for Donny. But money is a factor so I'm kind of considering the BK5 or PA 500. Here's a few thoughts:

BK5 is menu driven- for example there's no botton for transposing (bummer)

BK5 looks a lot more "pro" than the PA500, plus the BK5 is more compact, thinner, lighter.... I think most people now days want to get away from big,bulk things. Not that the PA 500 is a big beast but the BK5 has a nice "sleekness" about it.

Isn't the PA 500 something like 6 years old? I would think Korg would come out with something new sometime soon? Not that newer is better but I wouuld think that the BK 5 has some newer technology that the PA 500 hasn't. I don't really know what I'm talking about so I shut up now.

Good luck!
It not the keyboard, it's the keyboardist.