Originally Posted By: ianmcnll
Originally Posted By: FransN
Hi Ian,

Good question and to be honest I just wanted a TOTL arranger from Korg. I really didn't needed one as I am not a Pro but I could afford one at that moment so I did buy one.

Also I paid a lot less then the PA3X cost now. I wouldn't buy it for 3200 Euro that is to much I think especially considering what you get with the PA500 and the PA800.

It is great you got a good deal on it, Frans.

What features are on the PA3X that drew you to make the switch? There must have been something about it, that made it appeal to you, instead of a getting PA-800, or staying with the PA-500?

Is there a noticeable difference in sound and in the styles that you feel justifies it over the PA-800/PA-500?

What speaker system are you using?

Congratulations on your PA3X, by the way...it would be my very next choice after the Tyros4, and, if I had lots of money, I'd have them both. I really like the panel layout on the PA3X...very ergonomically done, especially the sliders.


I got the PA3X for 2600 Euro and the PA800 still was 2200 Euro so the choice was easy. Now you can buy a new PA800 for 1700 Euro new a big difference in price. The PA3X does sound better then the PA500 or PA800 but not that much it is worth paying the double price a PA800 cost at the moment. PA500 and PA800 are still great boards and even the 10 years old PA50 still sounds great to me.

I also listen to the new Yamaha PSR s650 in the store last week and this board sound also better to me then the BK-5. I know I have said no Yamaha more for me but maby the new PSR s950 will be my second board if the price is right.
