Originally Posted By: Bachus
Choose an audio interface with a multiclient ASIO driver, whichj allows you to get audio from several sources at the same time

I wasn’t aware of an “audio interface” until you mentioned it here. I thought I was going to have to listen to my music through that sound card that comes on the motherboard. I can’t view the Youtube clip. What is the name of this one (that you recommend?).

Originally Posted By: Bachus
For what you want to do with your PC anything with an intel i3 and up will probably do.. i would go for an i5 with 8GB memmory to be future proof...

I decided on an Intel i5 (over the extra price of an i7) and 8-16 GB of memory.

Originally Posted By: Bachus
You also want to go for windows 10, it comes with a great antivirus tool build in..

Definitely getting Windows 10

Originally Posted By: Bachus
I still would go for an USB audio interface, its nothing more then a soundcard running outside your laptop that offers you high quallity sound..

So then, it connects through the USB port and the software directs it to bypass the motherboard sound card?

Originally Posted By: Bachus
go for a build in SSD, that really speeds things up, atleast 256GB to be futureproof..

I’m going for the 256 GB SSD

Originally Posted By: Bachus
EDIT: do you want physcical midi, or is midi over USB sufficient?

Bachus…..I’m not sure what this means.
