Originally Posted By Bachus
Originally Posted By abacus
Originally Posted By Anthony Johnson
As Wersi make a seperate (and fantastic) lower manual to do the job properly (Unfortunately more than £1000 more than it should cost), you would think one of the big 4 (Yamaha, Korg, Roland & Ketron) could be making something similar.
Manufacturers of Midi controller are similarly lacking in this respect. Obviously making their money too easy.

Dealers & distributers have suggested a lower manual for their arranger keyboards, but the manufactures have said an absolute no, as there is not enough demand.

As to the Wersi, this is a handmade cabinet designed specifically to match the OAX1 keyboard and cannot be used with anything else, in addition (Like all organs) it is a low production part. (The keybed used is the same as in high-end Midi Controller keyboards like Native Instruments etc.


Where it comes to Yamaha..
they sell electone, which is actually a dual manual arranger


Some of those companies also kept telling us there is no demand for 76 key arrangers..

Companies that don’t communicate well with customers in general have no clue what the customers want..

An arranger is not an organ, and an organ is not an arranger, even though the arranger came from the organ.

Ironically Yamaha do communicate with their customers in Europe and Asia (They have many meetings at the various country distributers where customers are invited to attend so as to help plan future models) yet it still took them ages to get the hierarchy in Japan to authorise a 76 note version.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).