Paying a little extra now you could have this (Add a pedalboard if you wish) which as it is software based will be continuously updated over time (The previous OAS system lasted 14 years) so no need to swap keyboards every few years.
It also has the added advantage of an integrated VST Host which will allow you to use sounds beyond any arranger as if they were an integrated part of the organ. (No faffing about with Midi or modules)
Over time price wise you will find it will work out cheaper than a TRX type system where the arranger is constantly changed for new features every few years. (Oh and did I say there would be no faffing around)
Buying cheap can bring long term pain; spending a bit more will give you greater long term satisfaction.
Whatever you choose, always have fun and never look back.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).