here's what i'm using.
prototype i made samson on the bottom midi into a midi merge box
set to transmit to ch 2. bass pedals midi into midi merge box set to ch3. midi out of merge box to korg pa600 midi in. in seq mode i programed a midi file as follows ch1= organ played on korg.ch2= organ lower set korg to receive on ch2 samson transmits on ch2, ch3 korg receive on ch3 midi pedals transmits on ch3.
the other set up is midi pedals direct to korg with the same above settings
now the fun part : exit the seq mode to style play. in mixer mute the bass. now i can play bass pedals with the style.
i can also use a computer as midi hub to do this. i like the idea of not having to use one . i also have the option of adding a ipad to the mix. fun stuff.


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