I was just thinking this over and you know because of my line of work which is music retail selling and teaching, I find it interesting that this is a big issue. If there is a slight difference in key size it has never made any difference in my playing. I don't play walking bass in the left hand, but I can tell you my right hand can go all over the place when I want it to, a bunch more than any bass part would require. So, with this as my backround, I would imagine I probably have played more keyboards of all sizes than most people.
Then I started thinking about the students I teach, and I began wondering if their most common fault is happening here. They tend to play with their fingers only touching the white keys, which means unless you are looking, you have no clue where you really are. I have seen exceptional pros play this way, but I have found for most people, if one slightly touches the sides of the black keys while they are playing you have in a sense "landmarks" to know exactly where you are without looking.
I remember seeing a guy playing an accordian many years ago on either the Ed Sullivan show or Ted Macks Origianl Amatuer Hour. Of course the keys on a lot of accordians are exta skinny. I am not sure what the case was with this guy, but, he was playing, and he really had chops, the audience loved it, and then half way through his act the keyboard on his accordian was covered with cloth, which to the audience they thought, hey he can't see the keys. Well he played brilliantly with this cloth over the keys. He really had his fingers flying. Of course the answer here is he had his fingers touching the black keys to keep his bearing. I think this is the way he played with or without this cloth.
Depending if I am playing a single note line or playing a chord that is spread out more or less dictates if I am just touching the very ends of the black keys or if I am at or past the halfway mark while playing full chords.
So, Uncle Dave and all those that seem to have an issue here, I have to ask, are your fingers only touching the white part of the keys or are you slightly touching the sides of the black keys?
I am very interested in hearing your answers. Because in most cases, I would bet you a cookie, you are on the white keys only and that's why this becomes an issue for a player.
Scott Langholff