Uncle Dave: I was pretty SHOCKED

to discover you recently purchased a Tyros (as well as a PSR2100) especially considering all the trashing

you had given the Tyros here, as well as the fact that you had also already owned a PSR2000 and had been so disatisfied with its flimsy keyboard build & feel.
As a child taking piano lessons, I played a Baldwin spinet piano at home. My piano teacher had a Steinway Grand with much heavier & slightly larger keys, so it was initially frustrating to seemingly play my songs well on the spinet, yet sound miserable when attempting to play that same song for my teacher on her Steinway. I bitterly complained to her about this, but over time (thanks to her persistance), I was able to develop the keyboard playing 'adaptability skills' required to adjust to playing on different makes & model acoustic pianos, each with a different keyboard feel. Later, when I began playing organs & synth-action keyboards, this frustration reappeared as I had to re-educate myself (yet again) to adapt now to non-weighted action keys in addition to their slightly smaller key dimension as well. I'm grateful now that I took the time to develop the patience & persistence required to develop keyboard playing 'adapability skills' because I enjoy playing BOTH my Steinway acoustic grand & Tyros, as well as the PSR2000.
Good luck in whatever keyboard you end up deciding on and (hopefully) keeping.